Enid Blyton Quotes

10 Enid Blyton Quotes to revitalize your childhood

Enid Blyton Quotes have been quite famous with the children. Since 1930’s, she has been inspiring kids with many memorable books such as Noddy, Famous Five, Secret Seven, and Malory Towers. Moreover, as her books have been enormously popular, she has sold nearly 600 million copies. Enid is in the 4th place for the most translated author despite been criticized as being elitist, sexist, racist, xenophobic. Let us commemorate her by reading 10 Enid Blyton quotes:

1. Leave something for someone but don’t leave someone for something.

—Not all people are similar and thus everyone has some bad habits. Leaving those bad habits for someone you love is better than leaving the person you love.

2. I think people make their own faces, as they grow.

—People choose who they want to be when they are growing up.

3. If you can’t look after something in your care, you have no right to keep it.

—You have to take care of the thing that you are given the responsibility of.

4. Hatred is so much easier to win than love – and so much harder to get rid of.

—Hatred might be easier to win over love but it is more difficult to get rid of.

5. There’s a rainbow around every corner is a well-known saying and is supposed to make negative people positive.

—To make the negative people positive there is a rainbow that is a blessing in disguise.

6. The best way to treat obstacles is to use them as stepping-stones. Laugh at them, tread on them, and let them lead you to something better.

—Considering failures to be the stepping stones are the best ways to succeed.

7. Nothing like having a bucket of cold water flung over you to make you see things as they really are!

—A self-realization is the most effective part that helps in clearing what the heart truly wants.

8. You’re trying to escape from your difficulties, and there never is any escape from difficulties, never. They have to be faced and fought.

—All the challenges in your life are supposed to make you stronger. Thus, instead of running away from the problems, facing and overcoming them is best option.

9. When you’re paid to do a job, it’s better to give a few minutes more to it, than a few minutes less. That’s one of the differences between doing a job honestly and doing it dishonestly.

—Doing your job honestly is a way of putting your heart and soul into the work even if it means staying for a few more minutes.

10. Writing for children is an art in itself, and a most interesting one. 

—Children are the most innocent souls and writing for them is an art.

We are sure that you would’ve been nostalgic after reading these Enid Blyton quotes.

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