
We want you to overcome all the hurdles that come between you and your published book. Here are blogs that will help you stay motivated and understand how publishing works.

Women Fiction Prize

Revealing the Finalists: 2024 Women’s Fiction Prize Nominees

Women’s Fiction Prize one of the United Kingdom’s most respected literary awards. It’s awarded annually to a female author of any nationality for the best original full-length novel written in English and published in the UK during the preceding year. Anne Enright, Claire Kilroy, Aube Rey Lescure, Kate Grenville, and Isabella Hammad are the authors …

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Mind Mapping in Writing

Introduction: A Mind Mapping is a more free approach to brainstorming ideas. Mind maps frees you from following strict rules and order, you can put your ideas down visually, centered around a main idea. This helps you analyze and recollect things better because it follows how your brain naturally works. Typically, a mind map is …

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