Microcopy: An effective tool

Microcopy: Writing a effective microcopy and its benefits

What is a Microcopy?

Microcopy is part of the user experience (UX) of any product or service. These are the words that force the decision making of the reader or the prospective buyer. Microcopy is an effective tool to stay with your customers till the end. It makes the whole online experience interactive from the users’ perspective.

Writing an Effective Microcopy

Before understanding how to write an effective microcopy, let us see some famous examples of a microcopy.

  • A food delivery app keeps you updated with every stage of your order. Right from Order is placed till the food gets delivered. 
  • If you are installing a new software on your  PC or laptop, you see the installation process messages are the examples of microcopy.
  • A tooltip- pop up that you see when you roll your mouse over a specific element is also an example of microcopy.

Most customers/ visitors like the unexpected assist when they are browsing through your website. Here are some important pointers to create an effective copy. It creates a memorable and cohesive experience for the users.

A microcopy can be in any form, for example, it can be a button, an error message, a quick instruction, a tooltip etc. A accurately worded microcopy helps to get the Call-To-Action (CTA) work more often than not.

Now that you have got an fair idea about what and how microcopy is let us talk about how to create an effective microcopy:

Predict what people think

The famous old saying ‘be in the customer’s shoes’ is a perfect fit here. Do your home to ascertain what the customers will feel on what page and what questions they will have before taking the action that you want. 

Word your microcopy to specifically handle this and the customers will like it. To get more data on this use the feedback mechanism to learn the consumer behavior. 

Use Images and Text

A picture speaks a thousand words. This is the difference between a common and an effective microcopy. Images and graphics are processed by the human mind faster. Having said that, standalone images may be subject to unwanted perception. Wisely chosen words add clarity.  Relevant text along with these images make a strong little package to get the message conveyed. Wisely chosen words add clarity.

Use simple and catchy sentences

The key here is the use of action words. Write only those words that guide the user and that’s it! Cut away any extra words. The minimum words conveying your  message will result in a welcomed copy by the users. Remember people use more mobile devices than desktops/ laptops. So writing to the point words will make the deal.

Do not use jargons

We all know what jargon is. It sounds like expert domain knowledge; however, leaves the user with least interest. Think about it in this way, you are reading a copy and for every second word you have to go to google to understand the meaning of it. What is the point of the copy then? Easy to understand words and  language will engage more people to read your copy. 

Do not sound robotic

Add a human touch in your copy. Address the user as a second person as like real conversation. For example, if the user wants to download something, the pop up message should be something like, 

‘You have chosen to download this, Continue – Yes/No’.

Similarly for captcha enabled pages, if incorrect details are entered do not flash a dry message like ‘Wrong captcha’. Instead display a message something like, ‘Captcha details do not match, please re-try’. 

Related: Microcopy: Tiny Words With a Huge Impact

Impact of an Effective Microcopy

Microcopy when written effectively has a direct positive impact on the overall business. Let is see how an effective microcopy helps businesses:

Increase in Conversion Rate:

Thoughtfully written microcopy impacts conversion rates favorably. Let us imagine you are about to activate a service. Instead of a generic “Sign up” button if you see  “Get started for free” it would encourage you to sign-up.

Building Trust:

Microcopy is the best tool to address user concerns instantaneously. The best example here is the “Checkout” page. If you add ‘via secured payment gateway’ next to a payment button this reassures users about their financial data security.

Guidance and Clarity:

Specific and to-the-point microcopy has clear instructions, reducing confusion for users. For example, instead of an error message  “Something went wrong” a clear prompt like “Invalid email address” will help users understand what went wrong and how to fix it.

Brand Image:

With microcopy, brands can establish their personality. Consistency in the tone of the microcopy creates trust among the customers. It also helps in retaining the customers along with converting prospects into customers.


In the digital arena where people are looking for quick and precise information, microcopy plays a vital role. If used correctly, a it can do wonders to your business. An instant message to assist the user who is stuck is like a magic wand. It helps in creating an overall positive user experience. By mastering the technique of writing effective microcopy, businesses are empowered to create more engaging, user-friendly digital experiences that leave an impression that is lasting. A microcopy is truly the unsung hero of user experience for every business that is on the internet.

Also Read: Mind Mapping in Writing

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