Kiley Reid the Best selling author

7 Facts of Best-Seller Kiley Reid

An American writer who has been acclaimed as the bestselling author.

‘Such a Fun Age’ and its author, Kiley Reid, received world-wide praise for the debut novel released in 2019. Within no time, the book was a New York Times bestseller. It was also longlisted for the Booker Prize and shortlisted for the NAACP Image Award.

Her writing has often revolved around the complexities of modern life, race, and privilege. The stories have particularly focused on the interactions between people of different social and economic backgrounds. Her sharp, insightful prose and keen observations on contemporary issues have garnered her a significant following and critical acclaim.

The novel ‘Such a Fun Age’ became the best-seller due to these 7 facts:

1. The Storyline

The story of the novel is based on the backdrop of intersection of race, class, and gender. The story is neatly weaved as a narrative that exposes how prejudice can flow through every aspect of our daily lives. This is seen in the dishonor Emira (the black woman) faces, the assumptions made about her based on her race and socioeconomic background, and the power dynamics at play in her interactions with her employer. By portraying these experiences in a detailed and relatable way, the author allows readers to step into Emira’s shoes and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the same kind of people who exist at the margins of society.

2. An Easy Read 

This book  is a masterpiece of writing. Despite tackling weighty themes like race, class, and gender, the book is swift enough to read and keeps you glued to the pages. Reid’s magic lies in her careful use of language– clear, concise, and punctuated with sharp dialogue. Humor disarms readers, preventing the heavy topics from becoming overwhelming, while the characters’ distinct voices propel the story forward. Most importantly, the seemingly effortless prose doesn’t shy away from nuanced exploration. Reid unpacks complex social issues with depth, making “Such a Fun Age” a thought-provoking page-turner.

3. Dual POV (Point of View)

The author has masterfully drafted the story from the perspective of two main characters: the black babysitter and the white employer.  This dual approach sparks conversations that wouldn’t happen if we only saw the story from one side. It allows for a richer and more thought-provoking exploration of social issues.

4. Trending Subject 

The novel ‘Such a Fun Age’ from Kiley Reid is an exceedingly cleverly written satire. It is about white privilege, racism, and wokeness in twenty-first-century America. It masterfully makes use of humor and relatable characters to go around these complex issues, sparking conversations about societal imbalances and the performative aspects of social consciousness. The humor disarms readers and allows them to see themselves reflected in the characters, sparking important conversations about societal imbalances and the performative aspects of social consciousness.

5. Recommendations 

Positive word-of-mouth and recommendations from readers, bloggers, and social media influencers helped the Kiley Reid novel gain momentum. The book’s ability to spark discussions about race, class, and privilege and its inclusion in book clubs and reading groups further amplified its reach. The readers instantly resonated with the story.

6. Praised by critics

The novel received widespread critical acclaim for its sharp but easy-to-read writing and insightful social commentary. It also received accolades for Reid’s ability to blend humor with serious themes. Positive reviews in major publications and endorsements from respected authors and critics contributed to its popularity.

7. Celebrity Touch

‘Such a Fun Age’ was voted to be selected as a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick. This brought the book to the attention of a large and engaged readership. The endorsement from a high-profile figure like Reese Witherspoon provided a significant boost in visibility and credibility.


In conclusion, Kiley Reid’s “Such a Fun Age” masterfully combines sharp social commentary with compelling storytelling, making it a standout debut that resonates deeply with contemporary readers. Its exploration of race, privilege, and identity is both timely and timeless, offering thought-provoking insights while engaging readers with its relatable characters and dynamic plot. This remarkable novel not only earned critical acclaim and prestigious nominations but also sparked meaningful conversations about the complexities of modern life. “Such a Fun Age” firmly establishes Reid as a powerful and essential voice in contemporary literature, leaving readers eager for her future works.

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