Traditional Publishing
For traditional publishing, currently we are accepting manuscripts only for the Fiction genre. Books for all other categories can be published through our Self-Publishing packages. We will notify you once we start publishing other genres in the traditional manner, just don’t forget to put your email id in our newsletter box.
Just read the below instructions before you submit it:
- Our team will notify you if we will consider it for traditional publishing; this may take up to 60 days.
- You can submit your manuscript at other publishing houses; just notify us whenever you want to withdraw your submission from our platform.
- Terms and royalty will be discussed once we consider your book for traditional publishing.
- You can skip all these complications and opt for our Self-Publishing option whenever you want.
We are Ready to Publish your book.
Are You?
1. Is Readers Meet a traditional publisher?
Readers Meet is a modern publishing house that provides both traditional publishing opportunity and self-publishing services to writers.
2. How much royalty will I get if I get traditionally published?
Royalty given in this type of publishing varies on the basis of various factors. You may get from 20% to 40% royalty.
3. Do I need to pay anything to get published traditionally?
No. We don’t charge even a penny if we decide to publish you traditionally. We will afford all the expenses.
4. Is traditional publishing better than self-publishing?
One of the most important advantages of traditional publishing is that you don’t have to pay any upfront costs. But other complications like time consumption, rejections from publishing houses, and low authority over creative aspects of the book are making self-publishing more popular.
5. Will I get notified if you reject my proposal?
We reply to every proposal we get, even if it gets rejected, we will notify you through an email.
6. Can I self-publish with Readers Meet if my proposal is rejected for traditional publishing?
Yes. You can opt for self-publishing anytime.